PyPI version Documentation

Interface for the Creality Ender 3 V3 SE display running Klipper

Update: A new version of this project that uses the printer original display connector is released on jpcurti/ender3-v3-se-klipper-with-display. It incorporates this project into a custom klipper and works any host without any additional configuration or wiring. Check it out!

This project allows you to use the original Creality E3V3SE (Ender 3 V3 SE) display with Klipper when connected directly to the host (at the moment a Raspberry pi only) via UART and GPIOs.It fetches the information from Klipper via the moonraker API and is able to send basic commands back, so that you can re-use the printer original display for some basic functionality.

Demonstration image

Considering that the communication protocol between E3V3SE and the display is presently undisclosed, the repository includes a comprehensive guide on reverse engineering the communication protocol of such printers. This resource is invaluable for extending this capability to other 3D printers. Users are encouraged to customize the project to suit their specific printer models.

Supported features

The currently supported features are:



Print file

Tune print

Pause/continue print

Stop print

Move Axis

Home Axis

Set Z offset

Disable step motors

Preheat bed


Set nozzle temperature

Set bed temperature

Set max speed

Set max acceleration

Set steps per-mm

Leveling Menu

Features that are not available are shown as a pop-up:

Demonstration image


Via pip

pip install e3v3se-display-klipper

By cloning the project

git clone
cd E3V3SE_display_klipper

Configuration and Running

Parameters can be set as arguments or in a config.ini file in the project root. Run python3 --help (for project cloning) or e3v3se_display --help for a complete list of parameters.

  • Example of configuration file: Check the file config-example.ini

  • Example when running as arguments:

python --com_port '/dev/ttyAMA0' --baud 115200 --gpio_wheel_button_left 26 --gpio_wheel_button_right 19 --gpio_wheel_button_click 13 --klipper_api_key 'yourapikey' --klipper_socket '/home/youruser/printer_data/comms/klippy.sock' 


e3v3se_display_klipper --com_port '/dev/ttyAMA0' --baud 115200 --gpio_wheel_button_left 26 --gpio_wheel_button_right 19 --gpio_wheel_button_click 13 --klipper_api_key 'yourapikey' --klipper_socket '/home/youruser/printer_data/comms/klippy.sock' 


Using a Rpi as a host

If you want to follow the same wiring as the default configuration, make sure to configure the primary UART on the raspberry!.

Then, wire the raspberry pi and display according to the image below: Wiring diagram between display and raspberry pi



VCC (5V)





10 (RX)


8 (TX)







Important - Credits:

  • This repository is heavily based on the DWIN_T5UIC1_LCD repository for the E3V2 display and makes use of most of the available classes and methods implemented there, with the necessary modifications for the E3V3SE display. All credits goes to the author of the DWIN_T5UIC1_LCD project for making the version which this repository is based on.

  • This project is based on the E3V3SE display firmware 1.0.6. Any changes in the firmware version, such as a new version from Creality, can change the assets locations within the display memory and a new mapping would be necessary. A list of available firmware can be found on Creality website and a detailed instruction on how to update your display is available on youtube.